Tomatoes, are well known for their health benefits. The health benefits of tomatoes are numerous, to start with eye care, good stomach health, and a reduced blood pressure. They provide relief from diabetes, skin problems, and urinary tract infections too. Furthermore, they improve digestion, stimulate blood circulation, reduce cholesterol levels, improve fluid balance, protect the kidneys, detoxify the body, prevent premature aging, and reduce inflammation.
Tomatoes consist of a large number of antioxidants that have been proven to fight different forms of cancer. They are a rich source of vitamins and minerals and exert a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases. Too much said above of the health benefits. There is another advantage of tomatoes too, they makes amazing face packs. Tomatoes give you instant glow. And the prejudices take the face packs only for the fairer sex. i.e. females but it is not so, Both the sexes can use this scrub as efficiently.

In a state of the time, when we are dealing with chemical compositions to get instant benefits, we bring you a face pack recipe, which will not play chemicals with your face, yet give you instant glow which you seek.
Preparation :
For this face pack, what all you need is a tiny
Small tomato and 1 tablespoon of sugar. To get ahead with the recipe of the face pack,chop the tomato and smash it. This makes a wonderful and natural scrub for y our face which is east chemical and is organic. Add sugar to this mixture and after washing your face with water, apply this mixture gently on your face and neck.
Leave the mixture on your face for 10 minutes.
Wet your fingures and massage the face in upward strokes for few minutes.
Rinse off the tomato face pack with cool water.
Use this as a face pack only every alternate day. Do not scrub your face more than two times in a week.

Tangy tomatoes, when used with right ingredients, add an instant glow to the skin. Sugar and tomato make a powerful spot correction and insta-glow face pack. The mild acids of tomato exfoliate the skin and also balance the skin’s pH. This brings out the true skin tone and glow in your skin. Sugar also helps in the exfoliation process with its coarse structure. Scrubbing boosts blood circulation to the facial skin resulting in radiant and flushed complexion.