Kejriwal said that he will strictly enforce the implementation of the graded action plan given to the Delhi govt by the Supreme Court. He also humbly mentioned his endeavor of undertaking a pilot project in the year 2021 by building a smog tower which proved to be very successful in terms of clearing environmental pollution.
He then thanked the Central Govt. mentioning that the peripheral expressway built by them helped in the fight against pollution in Delhi by diverting the traffic including big vehicles like trucks causing heavy pollution.
Anti-dust campaign to start from October 6
To curb the pollution caused by dust he said the government will undertake an anti-dust campaign from October 6. 586 teams will be set up all over Delhi to do on-ground monitoring of dust pollution caused by the construction sites. It has also been made mandatory for all the registered industries to use piped natural gas as a fuel and 33 teams have been formed to make sure no industries go unregistered.
To counter the pollution caused by burning straw stubble he said that a bio-decomposer liquid developed by Pusa Institute in Delhi will be sprayed free of cost over the crop fields of Delhi which will turn the farm residue into organic manure. He added that last year the area covered under the project was 4000 acres which will be increased to 5000 acres this year.
He said, “Implementation of anti-smog guns will be made compulsory in areas equal to and more than 5000 sq m, and accordingly a total of 233 smog guns will be installed all over the state. 80 road sweeping machines will be put into action for pollution caused by roads. 521 machines for spraying water to suppress the dust will be used. And 150 mobile anti-smog guns will be used for pollution caused by roads. For keeping in check the pollution produced by vehicles Pollution Under Control, PUC monitoring the pollution status closely.”
“Diesel vehicles older than 10 years and petrol vehicles older than 15 years will have to follow the guidelines of the PUC certificate. A complete ban on crackers will be executed. Buying, selling, and collecting, crackers will be completely banned in Delhi. A 20-acre e-waste park will be made to collect all the electronic waste of the city which if left unattended can drastically contribute to the pollution in the city. The e-waste collected will further be processed using scientific methods,” he added.
He proudly announced, “To increase the green cover of the state had set a target to plant 42 lakh trees all around the state”, “We have already planted 33 lakh plants all over Delhi and only 9 lakh plants are left to be sowed,” he happily added.
He totalized his announcement by stating, “For monitoring the environment 24/7 a green war room will be made functional from 3 October which will include 9 scientific experts as its members who will analyze the environment condition and make plans for tasks to be implemented the following day.”