On Republic Day 2025, the central government announced the prestigious Padma Awards, recognizing 139 extraordinary individuals for their remarkable contributions to various fields. Among them, 113 personalities were honored with the Padma Shri, including 68-year-old Hariman Sharma from Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh. A visionary apple farmer and agricultural innovator, Sharma was recognized for revolutionizing apple farming in India by developing the low-chilling apple variety HRMN 99.
Hariman Sharma, known as the "Seb Samrat," has transformed apple farming through his innovative approach. In 2005, he developed the HRMN 99 apple variety, a first-of-its-kind apple tree capable of thriving at low altitudes of just 1,800 feet above sea level. Traditionally, apple farming was restricted to high-altitude regions requiring long periods of cold. HRMN 99 allowed farmers in areas that were once unsuitable to grow apples successfully, making it possible to grow apples in regions with temperatures ranging from 40 to 46 degrees Celsius.
His innovative approach started with a single apple seed, from which he grafted and nurtured a variety that rivals traditional apples in size, taste, and quality. What distinguishes HRMN 99 is its ability to mature by June, earlier than most traditional apple varieties. This early harvest allows farmers to take advantage of higher market prices during that time. Furthermore, HRMN 99 is scab-resistant, making it both a sustainable and cost-effective choice for growers.
Transforming Agriculture at Home and Abroad
Over 1 lakh farmers in India and beyond have adopted the HRMN 99 apple variety, with more than 14 lakh plants distributed so far. The National Innovation Foundation has promoted this variety nationwide, planting 33,000 saplings across all 29 states to study its adaptability. Sharma’s innovation has also reached global shores, establishing orchards in countries such as Nepal, Bangladesh, Zambia, and Germany.
In addition to apples, Hariman Sharma has diversified his farming portfolio by successfully growing mango, kiwi, and pomegranate trees in his orchard. By integrating crops such as vegetables and pulses alongside apple plants, he has demonstrated sustainable farming practices that enhance income for farmers in challenging climates.
Recognition and Awards
Hariman Sharma’s remarkable contributions have earned him widespread recognition. In addition to the Padma Shri, he has received numerous accolades, including the District-Level Best Horticulturist Award (2006), State-Level Excellent Farmer Award (2008), and the Outstanding Traditional Knowledge Award from former President Pranab Mukherjee in 2017.
The Padma Awards are among the highest civilian honors in India, conferred in three categories: Padma Vibhushan for exceptional and distinguished service, Padma Bhushan for distinguished service of high order, and Padma Shri for distinguished service in any field. Announced annually on Republic Day, these awards celebrate excellence across disciplines such as art, science, public service, and agriculture.
Hariman Sharma’s recognition as a Padma Shri awardee highlights his extraordinary dedication to transforming agriculture. At 68 years old, his vision and determination have made a lasting impact on farming communities.