Indian Agricultural Research Institute is hiring for the position of Young Professional II. Candidates are advised to read the information and eligibility criteria for this position listed below.
Candidates must verify their eligibility, including educational qualifications, age limit, work experience, and other factors. Candidates that meet the requirements can apply online before June 6, 2022.
Selection for the Indian Agricultural Research Institute would be based on a test/interview, with qualified individuals being appointed in Delhi.
Important Dates:
Published on: 26 May 2022
The last date for application is: 06 June 2022
IARI Young Professional-II Recruitment 2022: Essential and Desirable Qualifications
Candidates must have a Master’s Degree in Genetics Plant breeding/ Botany/ Biotechnology or related fields of plant sciences.
Desirable: Knowledge of cytological techniques/karyotyping, DNA and RNA extractions; PCR based genotyping
Only those with the IARI-required qualifications are eligible to apply for the Young Professional II positions.
IARI Young Professional-II Recruitment 2022: Vacancy Details:
Job Location: Pusa, New Delhi, 110012 Delhi
Employment Type: Full Time
Number of Vacancies: 1 Posts
Pay Scale-Rs.35,000 Per Month
Age Restrictions- As per corporate policy.
Mode of Selection
Written tests, personal interviews, medical tests, and walk-in-interview will be used to choose candidates. Shortlisted candidates will be chosen based on the above criteria.
How to Apply:
Candidates interested in applying for IARI Recruitment 2022 must submit their applications by June 6, 2022. We've included the entire protocol for applying for the IARI Recruitment 2022, as well as the application URL.
Step 1: Visit the official IARI website by clicking here.
Step 2: Check for the IARI Recruitment 2022 announcement.
Step 3: Choose the appropriate position and read all of the information about the Young Professional II, including credentials, work location, and other information.
Step 4: Determine the application method and apply for the IARI Recruitment 2022.
For more information, download and read the official notification.
On the official website, further information about the recruitment, new vacancies, upcoming notices, syllabus, answer key, merit list, selection list, admit card, result, impending announcements, and so on will be available.