Aadhar Card is a 12-digit unique identification number, which is issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). An Aadhar card serves as the proof of identity & address across India. It is considered as an effective document to apply for the important documents such as passport & avail government schemes. Any individual living in the country regardless of age & gender is eligible for an Aadhar card, including children.
Aadhar Card Latest Update
As per the official website, there will be no biometric recorded for the applicants who are less than 5 years old. The applicant will have to update their Aadhar card once he/she turns 5 & 15. Till then, the child’s Aadhar will be only linked to the Aadhar of their parents or legal guardians. Hence, before applying the Aadhar for the children, their parents or legal guardians must hold the valid Aadhar card.
There are separate processes & documentations for children below the age of 5 and for the children between the ages of 5 years to 15 years.
Procedure of applying for Aadhaar card
Below is the Step-by-Step guide, which you can follow to apply for an Aadhar card for kids below the age of 5 years;
The procedure of applying for an Aadhar card for the kids can be done offline as well as online. But, visiting an Aadhar enrollment center is obligatory in both the cases. You can book an appointment online and visit the Aadhar Centre or you can also visit directly to the Aadhar Centre.
How to Book an Appointment
Visit the UIDAI website & go to the “Aadhar card registration link”
Fill in the details such as – Name of a Child, Mobile Number of Parent or Legal Guardian, E-Mail ID of Parent.
After filling Personal Details, click on “Fix Appointment” button.
How to Apply for Children below 5 years
Visit the official website UIDAI: https://uidai.gov.in/
On the homepage, click “Book an Appointment”
On the new screen, select “City & Location from the drop down”
Click “Proceed to Book an Appointment”
On next page, enter your “Mobile Number & Captcha Code”
OTP will be sent to you for the verification process
Enter the “OTP” & “Submit”
On the appointment detail page, “Enter all your Aadhar Details & Personal Information”
Choose “Date & Time”
Visit Aadhar enrollment Centre “As per your appointment scheduled”
Do not forget to carry all the required documents & reference number along with a printout of the form to the center, on the date of your appointment. Take reference number along with documents.
The Aadhaar officer will verify all of your documents. Only the photograph of a child applicant will be taken & no biometric data is taken during the process. And, once you have successfully submitted “Baal Aadhar Application” form. You will receive an acknowledgement slip containing enrollment number. You can use this acknowledgement slip for tracking your enrollment status.
Aadhar Card for kids over 5 years
If a child is over 5 years old, then biometric authentication process is mandatory for updating Aadhar card.
Once the child turns 15 years, another biometric updating is required.
At the time of enrollment, the fingerprints of a child, iris scan & photograph of a child will be documented.