Anitha M., a Tribal Woman from Bettampady Village carries out the cultivation of various crops like coconut, arecanut, pepper, paddy, vegetables and maintains the livestock (cattle, goat, poultry, birds) in her farm under the traditional farming system in her 4.5 acres of farm land. But, the low farm production with poor economic returns due to improper utilization of the farm resources made her look for a sustainable farming system for assured livelihood.
Inspired by the Agriculture Officers, Grama Abhivruddhi NGOs and ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Dakshina Kannada, she took the initiative to adopt the organic practices in her farm. For this, she acquired the required knowledge of organic farming through seminars, books, magazines and newspapers, etc. Anitha is an active member of the NGO - SKDRDP, Mangalore for promoting organic farming at the rural farmers’ plots.
Under the Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Yojana and ZBNF (Zero Budget Natural Farming), she also mobilized the farmers by forming a group - Samruddhi Raitha Gumpu (SHG) consisting of 80 small and marginal farmers. The SHG extends financial assistance to needy farmers. She is a regular resource person for the capacity development programmes organized by the KVK & Developmental Departments to enlighten the farmers on organic farming.
Anitha has also been appointed by the Agriculture Department under the ATMA and PKVY Programmes as a resource person to provide advisory services and educate the farmers about the various Schemes and Programmes. She has adopted technologies of Rainwater harvesting, Farm Mechanization, Soil-test based Fertilizer Application, Fodder Production, Goat Farming, Dairy (HF) Farming, Backyard Poultry (Giriraja Breed and Desi Birds), Mulching and Drip Irrigation Techniques and ITKs Application.
By adopting the Integrated Farming System, Anitha earns Rs. 3,05,000 from Livestock, Rs. 2,60,000 from Vegetables and Rs. 45,000 from Paddy, Rs. 1,00,000 from Vermicompost and Rs. 50,000 from Cow Dung Cake, etc. Now, she provides Advisory Services to 400 farmers. Inspired by her, around 15 farmers have adopted organic farming and six farmers are practicing goat farming.
For her success, she has been felicitated with the “District Level Women Farmer" Award by GKVK, Bengaluru at National Agricultural Fest - 2011; “Sankranti Puraskar” Award by Samskrithika Kala Kendra Bolwar, Puttur in 2012; “District Level Dairy Farming Women” Award by KMF, Mangalore - 2014-15 and “Horticulture Award” at the Flower Exhibition at Kadri, Mangalore - 2016.