Hi, NewsWrap for June 21, 2022

21 June 2022: Farmers Protest, Fertilizer Scarcity, Integrated Farm School, Fuel Price Update, Minimum Support Price

21 June 2022

  • Fuel Price Update: Check Out the Latest Fuel and Diesel Prices as of 21 June 2022

    On Friday, June 21, fuel prices in the country remained steady for the month. Prices of fuel and diesel have remained stable since May 21, when the union government announced an Rs. 8 per liter decrease in excise tax on petrol and an Rs. 6 per liter reduction in excise duty on diesel. Petrol prices in Delhi are now Rs. 96.72 per liter, down from Rs 105.41 previously. Meanwhile, the retail price of diesel in Delhi is Rs. 89.62 per liter, down from Rs 96.67 per liter previously.

  • Farmers’ Distress: Farmer in Karnataka are Facing Fertilizer Scarcity

    The Kharif season has begun, and so is the sowing. Fertilizers are very important for that matter. Farmers across the state, however, are complaining about a chronic scarcity and black selling of this critical ingredient for their farming activities. Demand is highest in June and July, and any shortage, whether due to a lack of supply or hoarding by unethical dealers, will result in significant shortages in agricultural productivity.

  • EWOK Organizes 2-Day Workshop to Discuss the Challenges Faced by Farmers in Mandi

    The Enabling Women of Kamand Valley Society (EWOK) and IIT-Mandi are organizing farmers of the surrounding areas into farmer producer companies (FPC) sponsored by NABARD. EWOK organized interactive workshops to bring all stakeholders together to discuss the challenges that farmers in the Mandi district encounter when growing tagetes, a plant. The most recent session was placed on June 7. They gave out seeds to 60 farmers.

  • Farmers Stages Unique Protest to Seek Minimum Support Price

    Farmers staged a unique rally in front of the Law Court complex in Mysuru on Monday to raise Prime Minister Narendra Modi's attention to their demand for legislation ensuring a minimum support price for farm commodities. They assembled outside Mahatma Gandhi's bust under the auspices of the Federation of Farmers' Associations of Karnataka, armed with a variety of veggies and farm food. Farmers offered to sell their produce at a minimum support price under the guidance of Federation President Kurubur Shanthakumar.

  • Thailand: Agriculture Technology Management Agency Block Inaugurates “Integrated Farm School”

    On June 18, the Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA), Sechü-Zubza block opened the "Integrated Farm School" in Mezoma Bawe and hired Miasalhou as a farm school teacher. According to a news release issued by ATMA Sechü-Zubza block, the idea of Farm School, as well as the duties and obligations of a farm school teacher, were stressed during the event. Meanwhile, ATM Thejavizonuo Kelio mobilized farmers' groups and held a field demonstration on "integrated pest control" in Mezoma Basa.

On the news

21 June 2022

That's it for for 21 June 2022