Agricultural scientists of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) have issued an advisory for farmers regarding the cultivation of wheat, potato, mustard, and vegetables. It has been said that keeping the temperature in mind, farmers should sow late wheat at the earliest.
125 kg seed will be required per hectare. The improved varieties of late wheat are HD-3059, HD-3237, HD-3271, HD-3117, WR-544, PB W-373, UP-2338, UP-2425, and Raj-3765.
Before sowing, treat the seeds with thiram @ 2.0 g per kg of seed. In the fields where there is an infestation of termites, farmers should sprinkle Chlorpyrifas (20 EC) @ 5.0 liters per hectare with Paleva or in a dry field. The amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash fertilizers should be on average of 80, 40, and 40 kg per hectare respectively.
Control weeds
Agricultural scientists have said that the farmers should do the work of rarefaction and weed control in the late sown mustard crop. Monitoring of white rust disease in mustard crops must be done regularly keeping in view the decrease in temperature. Before planting onions in the fields in this season, use well-rotted manure and potash fertilizer.
Possibility of scorch disease in potato and tomato
Do earth in potato crop. Potato and tomatoes are prone to scorching disease due to excess moisture in the air. Therefore, monitor the crop regularly. Those farmers whose nursery of tomato, cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli is ready, can transplant the plants keeping in mind the season.
Monitor leaf-eating pests
Keep monitoring the leaf-eating pests in cauliflower vegetables. If the number is more, then spray BT @ 1.0 g per liter of water or Sphenosad drug @ 1.0 ml mixed in 3 liters of water. Irrigate the vegetable crop and then apply fertilizers.
How to get rid of mealybugs
In this season, young mealybugs will come out of the ground and climb on the mango stems, to prevent this, the farmers should wrap a 25 to 30 cm wide alkathene bandage around the mango stem at a height of 5 meters from the ground. Dig the soil around the stem to destroy their eggs. Farmers are advised to keep a watch on the attack of flower rot disease in their marigold crop.
Agriculture Advisory: Regular monitoring of white rust disease in mustard crops keeping in view the decrease in average temperature.