The ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Pune, Maharashtra organized the "Virtual State Level Online Annual Action Plan Workshop of 51 KVKs of Maharashtra (49) and Goa (2)" from 27th to 28th May, 2020.
The Chief Guest, Dr. Ashok Kumar Singh, Deputy Director General (Agricultural Extension), ICAR urged the KVKs for changing the way of working and maintaining the tempo and zeal to do work. He emphasized on the upcoming Kharif season along with the secondary agriculture, floriculture, IFS model, marketing system and supply chain management.
Dr. Singh urged the KVK Experts to be multi-tasker and master of their own situations. He opined for building storage system like onion / garlic at household level. The DDG urged each KVK to develop ideal model village for doubling the farmers’ income. He stressed on up-scaling the climate resilient technologies in other areas too. Dr. Singh accentuated planning the economic activities along with skill based trainings for the migrant workforce.
Dr. K.P. Viswanatha, Vice-Chancellor, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Maharashtra stressed on carrying out the planning meticulously considering the area specific problems. He also accentuated on focusing on thr weekly planning, end-to-end planning, marketing intelligence, reduction in cost of cultivation at the KVK level.
Dr. S.K. Singh, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Jodhpur accentuated on the adoption of problem solving approach, providing alternative solution and technology integration.

Dr. Atar Singh, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh urged the KVKs for focusing on nutria-rich minor millets, simple IPM modules for pulses / oilseed crops and developing functional demonstration units.
Dr. Lakhan Singh, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Pune urged to make contingency planning to combat the distress situation. Dr. Singh stressed on including the latest cultivars / technologies developed by the State Agricultural Universities and ICAR Institutions under on farm trials and frontline demonstrations. He also emphasized on focusing on the precision farming, real time agro-advisory, advance input management, making KVK farm as profitable model to convince others and developing mechanism to reach to the unreached.
The Directors of Extension Education of the various Agricultural Universities participated facilitated the KVKs for the realistic Action Plan Development.
The KVK Heads presented their Action Plans for the current Year - 2020 during the virtual workshop.
The workshop registered a total participation by 76 participants.