Night flowering plants are plants that follow the opposite schedule of most common garden variety plants. The flowers of these plants bloom during the evening and close during the day. Night flowering plants have co-evolved with nocturnal pollinators to fit with the schedule. Surprisingly enough, night-blooming flowers also have ornate and bright-colored flowers that have a strong fragrance.
Night flowering plants are a mainstay of “moon gardens” or landscapes that are designed to showcase plants at night without the help of artificial lighting. Moon gardens often include white or brightly coloured night flowering plants that release sweet fragrances, along with plants that have a unique texture, colour, or shape at night.
Now, let’s take a look at 10 fragrant night flowering plants that you can have in your backyard.

Night Flowering Plants for your backyard
Angel’s Trumpet
Angel’s Trumpet or Brugmansia sp. is a night-blooming plant native to South America that can be grown as a small tree or a shrub. It has a sweet fragrance that the plant omits in the evening and it is interesting to look at because of its trumpet-shaped orange, yellow, pink, and white flowers.

Dutchman’s pipe cactus
Dutchman’s pipe cactus, Queen of the night, or Epiphyllum oxypetalum is a plant native to central and easter North America. The nighttime blooming plant is a member of the “orchid-cactus” genus and generally blooms rarely, sometimes only once a year, in late spring and early summer.

Peace lily
The peace lily plant or Spathiphyllum wallisii is a plant native to the tropical regions of the Americas and southeastern Asia. The peace lily is easy to grow indoors and is ideal to decorate your home with, especially if your house doesn’t receive a lot of direct sunlight. When in bloom, the peace lily flowers act as an air purifier because of their beautiful fragrance.

Nyctanthes arbor-tristic or Parijat, also known as night-flowering jasmine, is a species of Nyctanthes that is native to South and South Eastern Asia. This plant can be grown as a small tree or a small shrub. People plant night-flowering jasmine in their home gardens because of its flower’s subtle and charming fragrance. In many cultures, it is believed that peace and prosperity reside in the house where parijat flowers bloom.

Evening Primrose
Oenothera biennis or evening primrose is a night-blooming plant native to eastern and central North America. When in full bloom, the evening primrose flowers add a splash of sweet fragrance to your garden and a bold dose of bright colour. The seeds from the flowers of this plant have been used traditionally to treat digestive issues, clear acne, ease eczema, and even relieve PMS symptoms.

Night Gladiolus
Night Gladiolus or Gladiolus tristis is a plant native to South Africa that is now commonly found in parts of Australia and coastal California. When in full bloom, this plant is adorned with creamy yellow flowers that have a distinct spicy yet pleasant fragrance. However, this plant poses some threat to its handlers as it is poisonous and can cause an allergic reaction.

Lilium ‘Casa Blanca’
Casa Blanca Oriental Lily or Lilium cv. casa blanca is a night-blooming plant native to Europe, parts of South Eastern Asia, and North America. On its lonesome, the flowers of this plant have the capacity to illuminate an entire garden. Its gleaming pure white fragrant flowers are a sight to behold.

Ipomoea alba or moonflower is also known as tropical white morning glory and moon vine. This plant is native to the tropical and subtropical regions of North and South America, Argentina, Northern Mexico, the West Indies, Arizona, and Florida.

Brahma Kamal
Brahma Kamal or Saussurea obvallata is a night-blooming flower that is native to southwest China, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, and the Alpine meadows of the Himalayas. The night bloom plant blooms only once a year and spreads a really sweet fragrance in the atmosphere after sunset.

Flowering tobacco
Flowering tobacco or Nicotiana alata is a species of tobacco that is also known as sweet tobacco, Persian tobacco, tanbaku, and jasmine tobacco. This ornamental plant is native to South America. It is known for its long-tubed star-shaped fragrant flowers that only open at night.