Vitamins are vital to prevent diseases. To solve the problems of vitamin deficiency diseases, different vitamins tablets are recommended. But it may be noted that there is very narrow line between deficiency and sufficiency of vitamins.
Intake of excessive vitamins create serious problems due to such problems special care has to be taken while taking tablets of vitamins A, Vitamins C, Vitamins D and Vitamins E.
Diseases due to Vitamin A deficiency :
Milk, butter, yolk (yellow part) of eggs, sweet potato, pumpkins, ripen papaya, carrot, tomato, green leafy vegetables etc are some of the important sources of Vitamins A. Proper functions of different parts of human body like eye, teeth, nail, skin, hair, bones etc are regulated by vitamins A. But it may kindly be remembered that excessive intake of vitamins A results in stomach pain, headache, bad temper, vomiting, joint pains, loss of body weight etc.
Diseases due to deficiency of Vitamin C :

Vitamin C prevents many diseases in our body. It also prolong our longevity. Aola, green chilli, oranges, pine apple, guava, leafy vegetables etc are the rich sources of vitamin C. Many a times we take a lot of vitamins C tablets which causes many other problems like stomach pains, headache, etching, and many others associated problems.
Diseases due to deficiency of Vitamin D :
Vitamin D prevents diseases like osteoporosis (bone related problems). And we take vitamin D tablets to prevent bone related diseases. But it is imperative to make a mention here that vitamin D tablet is not assimilated by the body if it has vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin D is obtained from milk and milk products, fruit juices, yellow part of egg etc. It can also be obtained from sun light. But many people are afraid of enjoying sun light.
Intake of Vitamin D for long time results in digestion problems, lack of apatite, vomiting tendency, loss in body weight, high blood pressure etc. Formation of kidney stones, kidney failure etc may also be caused by excessive intake of vitamin D.
Diseases due to deficiency of Vitamin E :

To get rid of diseases caused by vitamin deficiency it is better to take sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables. And we should avoid excessive intake of vitamin tablets.
Diabetics, heart diseases, eye diseases, diseases caused by hormone deficiency etc are caused by vitamin E deficiency. Vitamin E is obtained from food grains, sunflower seeds, nuts, sesame seeds etc. Excessive intake of vitamin E causes different diseases like headache, weakness of muscles, eye problems, indigestion, etc.