Bihar Board 12th Result 2021: The Bihar School Examination Board, also known as BSEB will declare Bihar Board Result 2021 or BSEB 12th Result 2021 today (26th March 2021) at 3:00 pm according to the latest official announcement.
We have published this news to help students from the rural and farming community who have appeared for the board exams.
It must be noted that over 13 lakh students have appeared for the Bihar Board Class 12 exam 2021 in the state. Once Bihar Board 12th Result 2021 is announced, all the students can check their marks at www.biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in
How to check BSEB Intermediate Result online
Students who have appeared for the Bihar Board exam 2021, can check their result quickly through the steps given below;
Go to the official website of Bihar Board - biharboardonline.com
On the home page, look for“Results” tab
After that click on the link that says ‘Class 12 results’
Now you will have to click on the particular stream (science/commerce etc) for which you want to check the results
A new page will open on your screen
Now enter your credentials & log in
BSEB Board 12th result will appear on the screen
Check and download Bihar Board results
Take a print out for future use
Direct link to check Bihar Board 12th Result 2021
On 13th March 2021, Bihar School Examination Board had published the answer key for the objective-type questions of Bihar class 12 exams 2021. After that the students were invited to challenge the answer key until 16th March 2021.