Every year World Egg Day is celebrated on the second Friday of October. This year it will be celebrated on 11th October 2019. It is a unique opportunity to help raise awareness of the benefits of eggs. It was introduced by the International Egg Commission in 1996. The main objective of this day of action is to boost the consumption of eggs.
World Egg Day was established at the IEC Vienna 1996 conference when it was decided to celebrate World Egg Day on the second Friday in October each year.
For centuries, eggs have played a major role in feeding families around the globe. They are an unbeatable package when it comes to versatility and top-quality protein at a very affordable price. And they are also an excellent source of choline, essential in memory and brain development. When you factor in convenience and terrific taste, there is just no competition.
Eggs are one of nature’s highest quality sources of protein, and indeed contain many of the key ingredients for life. The proteins contained within eggs are highly important in the development of the brain and muscles, have a key role to play in disease prevention and contribute to general well being.
Chicken eggs are widely used in many types of dishes, both sweet and savory, including many baked goods. Some of the most common preparation methods include scrambled, fried, hard-boiled, soft-boiled, omelettes and pickled. Eggs add protein to a person's diet, as well as various other nutrients. As an ingredient, egg yolks are an important emulsifier in the kitchen, and are also used as a thickener in custards. The albumen, or egg white, contains protein, but little or no fat, and can be used in cooking separately from the yolk.
Andhra Pradesh is planning to celebrate World Egg Day in Vijayawada on 11th October 2019. Rallies will be held to promote the nutritional value of eggs to all ages, and free boiled eggs will be distributed to school children and old age homes. Meetings will be organized to educate the importance of eggs in daily nutrition and promote the theme of 2019.

To celebrate World Egg Day, Australian Eggs is again hosting the Eggsellence Awards in an all-egg pop-up restaurant to celebrate the diversity and quality of the egg dishes in Australia’s food scene. The Australian public has been invited to nominate their favourite restaurant egg dishes over the past three weeks with egg ambassador, celebrity chef Manu Fieldel, selecting four entries to compete in the cook-off at a pop-up restaurant. The awards will be hosted on 10th October, with the winner being announced, the following day, on World Egg Day.
Brazil has a week-long outreach programme to celebrate World Egg Day, promoting the benefits of eggs as a functional food rich in vitamins and essential to human nutrition. This includes a media campaign highlighting the value of the Ovos RS Seal and what it means for consumers, a series of videos showcasing regional recipes from each region in Portugal, and the second edition of ‘a dozen wonderful professions’ which promotes careers in egg production, all delivered by the Rio Grande do Sul Poultry Production Association (ASGAV) and Ovos RS.
Egg Farmers are at the heart of this year’s World Egg Day celebration in Canada, with the launch of a special video to pay tribute to the farming families that are dedicated to producing fresh, local eggs. A media outreach campaign is also being launched in the run-up to the day with chef ambassadors undertaking a handful of television segments to promote eggs. Social media collaborations will support this with a dozen bloggers and online influencers sharing their favourite ways to enjoy eggs.
An attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the largest scramble egg will take place in Colombia, to celebrate World Egg Day. 62,000 eggs will be used during the attempt, which will help to feed 15,000 vulnerable people in Soacha, Cundinamarca, at the event organised by Fenavi. A digital promotion is also planned with the aim to reach 60,000 likes on World Egg Day with the ‘un like por mi día’ campaign.

For the fifth year, Hartmann Croatia is organising a theatre festival for children in collaboration with local theatre Oberon. The three-day festival, which last year attracted 1,200 children aims to promote the egg as a healthy food option and will include performances for children from kindergarten to high school.
An egg awareness campaign on social media is being run in Denmark, with leaders of the egg industry from around the world providing a statement on ‘Why they think eggs contribute to a better world’. The campaign will promote egg consumption on World Egg Day.
Every year in Ghana a different region is selected as the key area, and this year celebrations will be taking place in Kumasi, the second-largest city in Ghana. This year’s theme is ‘Eat your egg today and everyday’, and activities include a quiz for schools based on egg nutrition, the donation of eggs to hospitals with Children’s and Maternity wards, and a donation of 60,000 eggs which will be distributed throughout the city.
New Zealand will be celebrating World Egg Day with a promotional campaign to win World Egg Day prize packs through Facebook, radio and NZME network. Additional promotions targeted at parents and children are also planned with prizes including Dr Seuss Green Eggs and Ham books. A digital toolkit has also been developed to help egg producers to celebrate World Egg Day.
In Poland, Fermy Wozniak has developed and published a book in collaboration with polish food blogger ‘eKuchareczka’. The book aims to promote egg and its culinary potential as an outstanding ingredient and includes 50 recipes starring eggs as the main ingredient. An instore promotion is also planned which includes a World Egg Day branded pack, along with a Facebook campaign to promote World Egg Day.
The Egg Studies Institute in Spain will celebrate World Egg Day with the announcement of their annual award for research on egg matters – which could include research in production, technology, consumption, food safety, environmental matters and much more. The winner is announced on 9th October with the winning research team receiving 10,000 euros. An additional award which recognises the world of a person or entity that improves public knowledge, use or image of eggs. Inprovo is also promoting World Egg Day through a social campaign to highlight the day.