The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection also known as IBPS has released the Regional Rural banks (RRB) admit card for Officer Scale 1 exam. The IBPS Officer Scale 1 prelims exam will be held in the month of August on 3rd, 4th and 11th 2019.
Applicants who have applied for the IBPS officer scale 1 recruitment can download the admit card from the official website of Institute of Banking Personnel Selection - www.ibps.in.
Method to download IBPS officer scale I prelims 2019 admit card:
Step 1 - Open the official website of IBPS - www.ibps.in
Step 2- Click on the link that says ‘CRP RRBs-VIII officers scale I’ blinking on the homepage
Step 3 - Enter your registration no & password in the new page
Step 4 – Also enter the given captcha code
Step 5 – Then click on login & your admit card will appear on the screen
Step 6 - Take a print-out of the admit card and save it on your computer

IBPS RRB call letter or admit card will have the following details: centre, venue address, date & time of exam. Remember that no hard copy of admit card will be sent to the applicants.
IBPS RRB Preliminary Exam Pattern
The RRB preliminary exam for the post of Officer scale-1 will have 2 sections carrying 80 marks for 80 questions. The duration of the exam is 45-minutes. Out of the total, 40 questions will be of reasoning category and 40 questions of quantitative aptitude. The medium of exam will be either Hindi or English. Applicants need to qualify in both the sections by securing the minimum cut-off marks required. On the basis of marks obtained in preliminary exam, candidates will be shortlisted for IBPS RRB Main Exam 2019.
Direct link to download RRB Officer Scale 1 admit card here
All the Best !!!