The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has now opened the window to select or modify exam language for the Railway Junior Engineer (JE) exam. The RRB JE 2019 Exam, scheduled to take place in April-May, will be conducted by RRB.
Besides, Examination for Recruitment of Junior Engineers, the RRB will also conduct examination for the Depot Material Superintendent Post and Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant posts in April and May 2019.
Here we will tell you a simple method to modify your RRB JE 2019 Exam Language.
Interested candidates, who want to modify their choice of exam language for the above posts can change their choice on the official website of RRB @ rrbcdg.gov.in.
According to the official notification on the RRB website, the candidates can view or modify their choice of language of RRB Exam (CEN 03/2018) only once. The window will be open from April 24 to May 1 to view or modify the exam language.
So, the candidates have a time period of one week to apply for this change. The registered candidates can log in at the RRB portals and choose the exam language. If the candidates do not wish to modify, then their Exam Language will be given in the question paper in the language they selected during the online application process.
RRB JE 2019: Steps to Modify Your Exam Language
Step 1: Visit on the official website of RRB, rrbcdg.gov.in
Step 2: Now, click on the link for “Click Here to log in for change of Exam Language – CEN 03/2018”
Step 3: You will be redirected to a new page to modify your change for RRB JE 2019 Exam
Step 4: Here you can choose the RRB Exam that was selected during the form filling
Step 5: Now, login using your RRB 2019 registration number and date of birth
Step 6: After log-in, you can easily modify your language for RRB Exam 2019
Step 7: The choices of languages present will be given in the dashboard
It is to be noted, that RRB JE 2019 Exam is computer based test and will be conducted in Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Konkani, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu languages. English will be the default language.
For the issues raised, where the content of English and regional language mismatched, RRBs have notified, "In case of any difference/ discrepancy/dispute in the Questions between English and the opted language, the content of English version shall prevail."