This is the perfect season to grow tomatoes. Although tomato cultivation may be done at any time of year, farmers will have a better yield and their revenue will rise if it is done during this season.
Agricultural scientists believe that at this moment, the farmer can develop a tomato nursery. Nurseries may be made in trays for this since the seedlings can be prepared rapidly and the plants can be grown normally. So, today, let's provide the farmers some specific knowledge on tomato cultivation.
When Is The Best Time To Plant Tomatoes?
Because tomatoes cannot handle extreme cold or excessive humidity, their cultivation may be hampered by bad weather. For growth, germination, blooming, and fruiting, its seeds require a wide range of seasons. Let us warn you that temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius and over 38 degrees Celsius might cause the plant's growth to be slowed.
Suitable Soil
Both mineral and sandy soils are suitable for tomato production, however plants prefer sandy soil. At the same time, for a decent yield, the soil depth should be 15 to 20 cm.
Preparation of the Land
Half dose of nitrogen, full dose of phosphorus, and potash should be combined at the time of the last ploughing of the field.
Tomatoes with Improved Varieties
Common types such as Pusa Gaurav, Pusa Sheetal, Salenagola, Sale Nabra, VL Tomato-1, Azad T-2 Arka Saurabh, and others can be sown by farmers. Rupali, Naveen, Avinash-2, Pusa Hybrid-4, Manisha, Vishali, Pusa , Hybrid-2, DRL-304, NS. Sow 852, Arkarakshak, and others are hybrid varieties.
Tomato Plant Preparation
Baluwar loam soil containing bacteria is necessary for the production of tomato seedlings. If you want robust, sturdy seedlings, use 10 grams of di ammonium phosphate and 1.5-2.0 kilogram of soil. Apply rotten cow dung at a rate of per square meter.
Seed Quantity
Normal varieties require 500 grams of seeds per hectare, but hybrid varieties require 200 to 250 grams of seeds per hectare.
Selection of Seeds
After seed production, the bad and broken seeds should be sorted out for tomato growing. Sowing seeds should be of superior quality. Furthermore, the seeds must be of uniform size, robust, and germinate swiftly.
Planting Tomato Seedlings
When the plant reaches a height of 20 to 25 cm and has 4 to 6 leaves. After that, the plant is ready to be transplanted. Explains 3 to 4 days before transplanting, the nursery's irrigation should be turned off. Apart from that, to prevent frost in the winter, the beds should be covered from above with polythene sheet tunnels.
Sowing Methods
Maintain a 3 metre bed width and a height of at least 25 to 30 cm from the ground level. Seeds should be planted in rows in these beds. Their distance should be around 5 to 6 cm. If you preserve it, the gap between plants should be 2 to 3 cm.
Cover the plots with rotten cow dung or compost after sowing. After that, use a moderate irrigation spray to irrigate the area. Also, cover the beds with a hay or reed cover. Light watering can be done if necessary.
After roughly 20 days of sowing, the seedlings are ready to be transplanted.
If tomatoes are grown in the right way, then it is almost certain to provide a good crop with a high yield.