The plants that yield both pollen and nectar are called bee pasturage. However, honey bees gather nectar, pollen, propolis, and water as their food. Nectar is a sweet secretion from the floral and extrafloral nectarines of blossoms. It is the basic raw product of honey.
It consists of dissolved sugar i.e. sucrose, glucose, and fructose. The plants that produce nectar only are called bee forage. Pollen is a highly proteinaceous food for bees. The plants that produce only pollen are called pollen plants. Pollen being a completely independent plant cell contains the substances which make up a living cell and is therefore very good bee food. It provides the bees with all their requirements of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.
The broad description of bee pasturage explains what is meant by the suitability of various regions for beekeeping based on its nectar and pollen potential. The evaluation of the nectar potential of your locality can be done by asking the following questions.
Why Opt for Honey- Bee Rearing?
How many blossoming periods are there in your locality?
How long does each blossoming period last?
Are the flowers visited by honeybees for nectar or pollen or both?
Are bees able to collect surplus honey from some abundant crops of flowers year after year?
What are tile nectar secreting and flowering plants beside the major crops of the tile area?
How long is the dearth period?
What blossom plants are found in abundance in a one to the two-kilometer radius of the place selected for apiary?
How far do weather conditions disturb bees in collecting bees, pasturage?
More the number of blossom periods in a year in an area greater will be the potential for beekeeping. Even if the number of blossoming periods is few but the duration is longer than favors beekeeping. Whether bees are visiting for pollen or nectar can be noted by observing the bees on the flowers or on the entrance of the hive.
This observation can provide us with the type of flowering plants (nectar-bearing or pollen-bearing or both) in an area at a particular period of the year and also whether the bees are more in need of pollen or nectar or both. The area with special crops having more nectar or pollen has higher suitability for beekeeping. Similarly, areas with more varieties of nectar secreting natural flowers have a highly favorable condition for beekeeping.
Shorter the dearth period greater will be the bee pasturage. Areas close to (within 2-6, km) nectar and pollen-bearing plant and crops are suitable for beekeeping. Finally, the favorable weather conditions such as temperature between 15o to 35°C wind speed less than 30 km per hour, clear sunny days are favorable for bee pasturage. Too cold, hot, and rainy days prevent bees from pasturage.
Also, read about commercial beekeeping in India.