If you are frequently disturbed from insect which keep on damaging fruits and vegetables in your farm, then using pesticides can be the best solution in getting rid of these pests, every time you grow the plants or crops. Choice of pesticides to be used may be difficult at times. Organic and conventional pesticides are the two options for farmer in general. Today we shall be focusing on people who prefer a healthy ecosystem in their gardening or individual farm activities. For them the best choice will be organic pesticide, which can be easily made at home as well. Use of Organic pesticides provides a feasible solution in preventing insects to cause massive damages to the plants, which are grown in a farm or gardens. These products comprise natural materials that have properties of killing or keeping out pests from within the range of your planted field.
Why Prefer Organic Pesticides
These are the significant advantages of homemade organic pesticides:
- Inexpensive and Productive – The process is quite economical since most of these anti-pests sprays that can be done at home with items brought at organic gardens, stores, and online shops, or simply from our kitchen. Overall we can get one of the best results and that too at least cost.
- Risk-free – These are made after having proper knowledge on ingredients to be used in making the pesticide solution. As such we are ensuring that no harmful mixtures are present in the mixture or substrate that can harm humans or pets and also the crops, grown in our farms/garden or courtyard.
- Non-Toxin – The substances or products used as organic pesticide solutions do not contain toxins since are all natural, and also suitable to human and animal health.
- Advantage over Chemicals: There is a significant advantage over chemical pesticide since one can avoid heavy expenses on purchasing these chemicals and also prevent the chances of raising the immunity of the insect pest to such chemicals in the longer run. Regular use of chemical pesticides can make these insects immune to these products and in the longer run, enhance the risks associated with health of human beings.

Today we shall learn how to make a very effective pesticide at home which shall work like “All in One” product in acting as insecticide as well as fungicide, in addition to serve as micronutrient supplier or antibiotic for the crop or flower plants. It is easy to make the organic pesticides from the common things that are readily available in the kitchen, at the grocery, and almost anywhere, but without compromising family health.
Steps Involves in making “All in One” Organic Pesticide:
Take a big bucket with 5 Liters of water if your garden is relatively bigger than normal garden size. For smaller gardens the amount should be lesser than 5 liters. Then take home made sour curd roughly 100 grams in weight and mix with water kept in the bucket. Curd has Lactobacillus Bacteria which will serve as providing soil friendly micro-organism hence aid in soil enrichment. Then take 200 grams molasses – available at groceries, or homemade Gur syrup. Molasses is rich in Calcium/Magnesium/Manganese etc. . Mix these products with water properly using a medium sized stirrer. Add 100 grams of boiled rice after this and finally add 50 gram yeast powder.
Let the mixture to turn into a substrate or like a thin concentrate. In other words let it brew for 7 days. Make sure to stir the mixture everyday in morning time. After the 7 days the substrate or solution is ready to be used as pesticide. The solution is dark brown in color and has a bad odor, therefore after 7 days one can cover nose with handkerchief or some cloth while filtering. After this, fill the liquid in sprinklers to be spayed in plants. Now the organic pesticide is ready and works like “All in one” solution to be used as pesticides, fungicides, antibiotics or even micronutrient supplier. It can be kept for 15 days and can be applied in all kind of plants. If sour curd is kept outside for few days, the sourness in it will easily get rid of insects. Therefore sour curd is used as one of the ingredients for making this organic pesticide.