Onion is one of the most important vegetable used in almost every dish. In India, it is grown in many states including Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan etc.
During the last four decades, the National Horticultural Research and Development Foundation (NHRDF) has developed many varieties of onion and garlic for different agro climatic zone and seasons. Out of these, 6 varieties of onion and 10 varieties of garlic was notified by Sub Varieties Release Committee. Seed Division, Dept. of Agriculture & Co-op., Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India time to time.
Varieties of Onion
Onion (Big)
Agrifound Dark Red:
Bulbs are dark red in colour, globular in shape with tight skin, moderately pungent. Mature in 95-110 days after transplanting. Recommended for growing in Kharif season over the country. Total soluble solid (12-12%), dry matter (13-14%) and pyruvic acid 10.07 micro mole/g. Average yield is 300 q/ha. Notified by Govt. of India for growing in kharif season in the country vide notification number 1135 (E) dated 01/12/1998.
Agrifound Light Red:
Bulbs are attractive dark, globular round in shape with tight skin, reddish thick inner scales and light red colour. They mature in 110-120 days after transplanting; having good keeping quality. Recommended for growing in Rabi season all over country. Total soluble solid (13%), dry matter (14-15%) and pyruvic acid 12.20 micro mole/g. Average yield is 300-350 q /ha. Notified by Govt. of India vide notification number 1135 (E) dated 10-02-1996.
NHRDF-Red (LINE-28):
Bulbs are attractive dark red in colour, globular round in shape, reddish thick inner scales. Bulb matures 110-120 days after transplanting. Keeping quality is medium. Total soluble solid (13-14%), dry matter (14-15%) and pyruvic acid 12.0 micro mole/g. Average yield is 250-300 q/ha. Notified by Govt. of India for cultivation in Northern, Central and Western India in rabi season vide notification number SO-2035 (e) dated 28/10/2001. Variety is very popular among farmers in North India because of its attractive dark red colour and better storage performance. Mature in 110-120 days after transplanting. Recommend for cultivation in Northern, Central and Western India in Rabi season.
NHRDF-Red-2 (L-355):
Bulbs are attractive red in colour, globular in shape with tight skin, thin neck and 5.0-6.0 cm in diameter. Mature in 100-120 days after transplanting. Keeping quality is good. Total soluble solid (13-14%), dry matter (14-15%) and pyruvic acid 12.0 micro mole/g. Average yield is 350-375 q/ha. Notified by Govt. of India Recommended for growing in Rabi season. Total soluble solid (13-14%), dry matter (14-15%) and pyruvic acid 12.0 micro mole/g. Notified by Govt. of India for rabi season in zone III (Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Gujarat) and Zone VI (Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh) vide notification number SO-2363 (E) dated 01/10/2012.
NHRDF Red 3:
Bulbs are light bronze in colour, globular round shape, thin neck and 5.5-6.0 cm in diameter. Bulb matures in 120-130 days after transplanting. Keeping quality is good. Total soluble solid (12-13%), dry matter (13-14%) and pyruvic acid 12.50 micro mole/g. Average yield is 350-400 q/ha. Recommended for rabi season in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan.
NHRDF Red-4:
Bulbs are dark red in colour globular round in shape, thin neck and 5.5-6.25 cm in diameter. Bulb matures in 110-120 days after transplanting. Keeping quality is also good. Total soluble solid (12-14%), dry matter (13-14%) and pyruvic acid 13.0 micro mole/g. Average yield is 350-400 q/ ha. Notified by Govt. of India for rabi season in zone III (Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Imphal) vide notification number SO-3666 (E) dated 06/12/2016.
Agrifound White:
Bulbs are globular in shape, tight skin and silvery attractive white colour. Mature in 110-130 days after transplanting having good keeping quality. Suitable for cultivation in late Kharif and Rabi seasons. Good variety for dehydration. Recommended for Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. Total soluble solid (14-15%), dry matter (15-16%) and pyruvic acid 12.0 micro mole/g. Suitable for dehydration. Average yield is 250-300 q/ha. Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat & Rajasthan.
Onion (Small)
Agrifound Rose:
Bulbs are flattish round in shape, deep scarlet red in colour. Mature in 95-110 days from sowing. 2.5-3.5 cm in size and pickling type. Matures in 95-110 days after sowing. Total soluble solid (16-18%), dry matter (17-19%) and pyruvic acid 10.27 micro mole/g suitable for dehydration. Average yield is 250-300 q/ha. Recommended for growing in Kharif in Andhra Pradesh and in all three seasons in Karnataka.
Onion (Multiplier)
Agrifound Red:
Bulblets light red, size of bulblets is 3.64 cm, number of bulblets per cluster 5-6 and weight of single bulblets is 8.85g. Average weight of cluster is 65-67g. Total soluble solid (17-19%), dry matter (18-20%) and pyruvic acid 10.13 micro mole/g. Average yield is 180-200. Average size of cluster is 7.15cm with average weight of 65-67 g. Average numbers of bulblets per cluster 5-6. Colour of bulblets is light red. Mature in 65-67 days after planting. Recommended for cultivation in Kharif and Rabi in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala.
Advance line-863:
Bulb is dark red coloured, round shape, diameter 4-5-5 cm & keeping quality medium. Crop matures in 80-85 days after transplanting. Total soluble solid (12-13%), dry matter (11-12%) pyruvic acid (12.5-13 micro mole/g). Average yield is 280-300 q/ha. Variety is recommended for cultivation in kharif and late kharif season.
Advance Line- 883:
Bulbs are dark red color, round shape, shiny skin, 4.50-5.50 cm diameter. Bulb are matures in 85-90 days after transplanting. Total soluble solid (12-13%), dry matter (13-14%) pyruvic acid (12.0 midro mole/g). Average yield is 300-325 q/ha. Variety is recommended for cultivation in kharif and early season all over India.
Advance Line-857:
The bulb of this line is round globular and silvery white colour, nature in 110-120 day after transplanting. Average yield is 350-400 q/ha, TSS 14-15% and good storage capacity. Suitable for cultivation in rabi season in central India.
Advance line 849:
The bulb of this line is globular round shaped with attractive red color, mature in 105-115 day after transplanting. High yield potential is 375-425 q/ha. Suitable to grow in rabi season in central part of the India. Good storage capacity about 6 month and moderately tolerant to stenphyllium blight and purple blotch disease.