Vermicompost Business has now become a profitable agribusiness model all over the world that requires a very low investment. This business, which is based on a marketing trend, is becoming more popular among local or rural entrepreneurs.
In this article, we will give complete information about the vermicompost organic fertilizer business, how to start, required materials, process, etc. So, what are you waiting for…start this profitable agribusiness and earn good income every month.
What is Vermicompost?
Vermicompost is an organic fertilizer rich in many nutrients necessary for the soil. It is the production of the decomposition process using different kinds of worms, typically red wigglers, white worms, and other earthworms, to produce a mixture of bedding materials, decomposing food or vegetable waste, and vermicast. This process is called vermicomposting, while the rearing of worms for this purpose is called vermiculture.
Business Plan for Vermicompost
In comparison to garden compost, vermicompost has a larger percentage almost twice as much of both macro and micronutrients. Depending on the type of waste, earthworm population, and environmental factors, the product is ready in 45 to 60 days and there are 5 to 6 possible cycles in a year.
Raw Materials Required for Vermicompost Production
Composting typically uses a variety of degradable organic wastes. It consists of things like animal waste, kitchen waste, and farm residues. The main raw components are typically dried chopped crop wastes and animal manure, primarily cow dung. Crop residues from both leguminous and non-leguminous plants improve the vermicompost's quality.
There are many types of earthworms, including Perionyx Excavatus, Eisenia Foetida(Red earthworm), and Eudrilus Eugenia that can be used.
The red earthworm is mostly favoured because it reproduces quickly and turns organic matter into vermicompost in just 45 to 50 days. since it is a surface feeder it turns organic materials into vermicompost from the top.

Process of Making Vermicompost
The first step is to build a tank, preferably out of cement, in an empty area of your farm or backyard. You can also make a simple pit. The fundamental procedures for making vermicompost fertiliser are listed below:
First you need to collect biodegradable agricultural waste.
Using a manually operated cutting device, cut them into small bits.
Give them 10 to 15 days to partially decompose. It will assist you in having better success with earthworm activities.
A vermicomposting unit needs to be in a shaded, cool, and moist location for preventing earthworms because earthworms cannot survive in direct sunlight.
Beds should be constructed for a partially decomposed material of size 6x2x2 feet should be preferred.
Agro-waste or kitchen waste should be placed on the top of vermicompost bed.
To make Vermicompost manure, you have to buy polythene to place on the ground. It is needed because if you leave the earthworm simply on the ground, then the earthworm will slowly go inside the ground and lay eggs there.
At the bottom of the bed, prepare a 6" layer of partially biodegradable agro-waste.
Spread 1 layer of cow dung slurry over it for 15 to 20 days to further decompose the agricultural waste.
Cover cow dung slurry with a 4" layer of farmyard manure once it has partially decomposed.
Spread red earthworm (1500–2000) on the bed's top layer.
- Water needs to be sprayed immediately after the release of worms.
Beds should be covered with gunny bags or polythene and sprinkled with water (daily) to keep them moist.
The bed should be turned once after 30 days for maintaining aeration and for proper decomposition.
The compost will get ready in 45-50 days.
Harvesting of Vermicompost
You should stop watering when the vermicompost is fully decomposed – when it will appear granular in size and black in colour.
Keep a cover over a pile of partially decomposed cow dung to allow earthworms to move from compost to the cow dung. Compost can be separated and sieved after two days for packaging and use.
Market Opportunity for Vermicompost Fertilizer
The production of vermicompost fertilizer has a good sales potential as compared to various crops related to agricultural, horticultural, ornamental, etc.
Farmers' associations and subdivisions in nearby cities and towns are examples of direct sales to customers. Marketing in bulk quantity to companies and distributors of organic fertilizer that needs vermicompost as one of its primary components.
Marketing is also best in urban areas due to the popularity of organically grown farm produce among the rich residing in posh villages and other residential areas that favour organically cultivated farm produce.
Profit in vermicompost business
It is a bit difficult to tell exactly how much profit you can get in this business without seeing who is doing the business under what circumstances. But people who are already doing vermicompost fertilizer business easily earn 30% to 70% profit.