Onions (Allium cepa L.) are perhaps the most cultivated species in the genus Allium. It is widely recognized as bulb onions or common onions. This vegetable is an integral part of culinary traditions all over the world. It can be eaten raw, cooked, pickled, and even used in chutneys. The onion plant features a fan of hollow, bluish-green leaves, with its bulb swelling at the base when favorable day lengths are met. This bulb consists of a thickened, stunted underground stem covered by thickened, flattened, modified leaves that surround an apical bud.
A very recent identification under the All India Network Research Project on Onion and Garlic includes some new varieties from 2024 which marks a significant development in onion cultivation.
Onion Varieties and their Specifications
1. DOGR-W-36
It is for the states such as Junagadh, Nashik, Rahuri, and Pune. It yields globe-shaped bulbs with white coloration. The average yield of this variety was recorded at 324 quintals per hectare. This variety can be best planted in the rabi season when it matures from transplanting with an interval of 115-120 days. It also exhibits field tolerance towards thrips and foliar diseases. The bulb's storability is four months.
2. DOGR-1550-Agg
The 'DOGR-1550-Agg' is a multiplier onion, which is also recommended for Junagadh, Nashik, Rahuri, and Pune. It is medium red, ovate-shaped bulblets, with 5-6 bulblets per bulb. It is suitable for the rabi season with an average marketable yield of 192 quintals per hectare. It contains TSS content of 14-15 Brix. The variety takes about 90-95 days after planting to be ready for harvest. The bulbs can be stored for 5-6 months which offers a longer shelf life and usability.
3. DOGR-1546-Agg
Another significant variety is 'DOGR-1546-Agg,' recommended for regions including Bagalkot, Bengaluru, Coimbatore, and Dharwad. This variety features pink, elliptic-shaped bulblets that tapered upward, It contains a TSS of 13-14 Brix. It is also suitable for the rabi season. The 'DOGR-1546-Agg' yields an average marketable output of 178 quintals per hectare. It matures within 85-90 days. Its storability of up to 5-6 months ensures that farmers can maintain a steady supply over extended periods.
DOGR-RGP-3' is recommended for areas like Jabalpur, Raipur, Chiplima, Akola, and Jhalawar in the Kharif season. This variety of bulbs is dark red, globe-shaped, and attractive. The average marketable yield of this variety is 207 quintals per hectare. It can be harvested within 100-105 days after transplanting, 'DOGR-RGP-3' has the advantage of being almost free from doubles and bolters. The bulbs may be stored for up to 2-3 months which reduces loss and allows better flexibility.
5. DOGR-1625,
'DOGR-1625,' another kharif season variety. It is recommended for the Jabalpur, Raipur Chiplima, Akola, and Jhalawar. It produces dark red, flat-globe-shaped bulbs that are nearly free from doubles and bolters. It has an average marketable yield of 217 quintals per hectare. This variety matures 105-110 days after transplanting. Its reliable yield and disease resistance make it an advantageous option for farmers.
6. DOGR-1203-DR
The 'DOGR-1203-DR' is an early maturing onion. This line is recommended for regions including Junagadh, Nashik, Rahuri, and Pune. It is suitable for the rabi season and yields an average of 278 quintals per hectare. The bulbs are very dark red and oval in shape. This variety is free from doubles and bolters. It is registered as a unique genetic stock for very early maturity and uniform neck fall during the rabi season, 'DOGR-1203-DR' offers good storability for 5-6 months.
7. DOGR-HT-3 & DOGR-HT-4
'DOGR-HT-3' and 'DOGR-HT-4' are recommended for regions including Junagadh, Nashik, Rahuri, Pune, Bagalkot, Bengaluru, Coimbatore, and Dharwad. These varieties are noted for their high TSS content which exceeds 16 Brix It is suitable for the rabi season. They produce white, flat-globe-shaped bulbs and have a marketable yield of 253 quintals per hectare. These varieties are ideal for farmers looking to maximize both yield and quality.
These newly identified onion varieties offer diverse options for farmers across different regions, with each variety tailored to specific seasonal and climatic conditions. Their high yield potential, disease resistance, and storability enhance their commercial viability which promises to boost onion production and meet the growing demand efficiently.