In Russia, the federal executive authority in charge of agriculture and agricultural welfare is the Ministry of Agriculture (Minselkhoz).
MINISTER IN CHARGE: Dmitry Patrushev.
Russia was the top producer of barley (17 million tonnes), sunflower seeds (12.7 million tonnes), maize (11.4 million tonnes), and oats. It was also the second-largest producer of sunflower seeds in the world, behind only Ukraine (4.7 million tons).

Department of Agriculture and Farmers welfare deals with the agricultural sector in India.
Minister: Narendra Singh Tomar
Indian farmers currently produce about 2.4 tonnes of rice per hectare of land, considerably below the potential. The majority of people in the nation rely on agriculture as their primary source of income. The GDP of the nation's agriculture industry is about 14% of the total.

United Kingdom
United Kingdom:
The Board of Agriculture Act of 1889, which established the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF), was formerly known as the Board of Agriculture.
In 2021, the economy of the United Kingdom benefited from agriculture to the tune of 0.5%. Agriculture provides half of the food they consume, supports approximately 500,000 jobs, and is a significant component of the food and beverage industry.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries deal with agricultural welfare in Japan.
MINISTER IN CHARGE: Nourin-Suisan Daijin
The Japanese Emperor appoints the minister after the Japanese Prime Minister recommends him or her. The GDP of Japan's agricultural sector in 2020 was roughly 4.66 trillion Japanese yen. Over five trillion yen was the highest point, which was in 2016.
The United States Department of Agriculture was established by legislation signed by President Abraham Lincoln on May 15, 1862. Two and a half years later, in his farewell message to Congress, Lincoln referred to USDA as "The People's Department."
The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) programme receives over 80% of the USDA's $141 billion budget. As the executive branch of the federal government, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is in charge of creating and carrying out laws pertaining to agriculture, forestry, rural economic development, and food.
The People's Republic of China's government has an executive state agency called the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. In addition to higher education and research in the field of agricultural sciences, areas of responsibility include agriculture and environmental issues linked to agriculture.
With less than 10% of the world's arable land, China produced one-fourth of the world's grain and fed one-fifth of the world's people, which is a significant accomplishment in the goal of global food and nutrition security. In terms of the production of cereals, cotton, fruit, vegetables, meat, poultry, eggs, and fishery goods, China currently leads the globe.
Mexico's ministry of agriculture is known as the Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development (SADER, or Secretaria de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural).
MINISTER IN CHARGE: Victor Villalobos.
The main crops include tomatoes, bananas, chilli peppers, oranges, lemons, limes, mangos, other tropical fruits, beans, barley, avocados, blue agave, and coffee. Other important crops are corn, sugarcane, sorghum, wheat, and tomatoes. Wheat, beans, corn, and sorghum are the four most significant crops in terms of national food production.

The Republic of Turkey's Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, or Tarm ve Orman Bakanl in Turkish, is in charge of agriculture and forestry.
Turkey has to reforest to counteract climate change. The seventh-largest agricultural producer in the world, Turkey is a leading producer and exporter of a variety of commodities, including hazelnuts, chestnuts, apricots, cherries, figs, olives, tobacco, and tea. Turkey's largest industry is agriculture, which employs 25% of the labour force and accounts for 8% of the nation's GDP.
The aim of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) is to support agribusiness competitiveness and sustainable growth for the benefit of Brazilian society.
As a result, MAPA encourages the growth of agribusinesses and agricultural production to meet domestic demand and create an exportable surplus. Brazil's agricultural exports were worth $125 billion in 2021, with soybeans and soybean meal, sugar, meat, poultry, corn, cotton, pork, coffee, and citrus taking the top five spots.
The ministry responsible for agriculture is the Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries. They improve the agricultural sector of Australia's economy and trade while reducing biosecurity concerns in the country.
MINISTER IN CHARGE: Incumbent Murray Watt since 1 June 2022
As of February 2015, approximately 325,300 people were employed in agriculture, forestry, and fishing in Australia, even though the country is primarily desert. Agriculture and its closely connected industries generate $155 billion in revenue annually or 12% of the GDP. A combination of irrigation and dry-land farming is practised nationwide.