The Railway Recruitment Board or RRB has declared the RRB JE CBT-1 result. Also, the candidates who have qualified RRB CBT-1 exam are left with only a few days for the preparation of RRB JE CBT-2.
It is to be noted that the RRB JE CBT-2 exam will be held between August 28, 2019, and September 1, 2019. Hence, there is not much time left for the students to go for in-depth study. At such a time, candidates often feel confused and nervous for their exam.
Candidates must note that, they can know their exam city, date, session, etc. by log in on the official website using their registration number and date of birth. The links for it are activated on the official website of RRB.
Top 5 tricks to qualify RRB JE CBT-2 exam:
Carefully analyze the syllabus:
First analyze your syllabus, figure out the important things and study accordingly. Candidates must note that, the RRB JE CBT-2 preparations depend on SSC/GATE or IES preparation.
Solving direct question:
Candidates are recommended to focus on practicing and solving direct questions rather than investing too much time in the theory. By solving practical questions their efficiency and speed will get increased.
Make a proper time table:
Candidates should make a proper time table i.e. two-three subjects they will study daily and solve the direct questions for them. They should not study a single subject every day.
Non-technical part:
Non-technical part consists of 50 marks. Hence, candidates must not skip studying it. Also, candidates who crack this section are likely to get an edge over others.
Prepare a chart and write all short formulas on it. Paste it in front of your study table and revise it daily. The formulas must be on your finger tips.