Award winning Pudukottai Women Farmer who sells Vermicompost and Seeds and Earns an Additional 2 Lakh Plus in a Season.
The Ultimate Guide to Composting: What to Compost, Advantages, and How to Make Compost
Composting is a simple and effective way to recycle organic waste and turn it into nutrient-rich fertilizer for plants and soil.…
Is it Possible to Grow Plants in Just Compost?
Compost is the life force of plants. It is meant to improve the soil’s physical, chemical, and biological properties. However, is it possible to grow plants in just compost without a potting medium?…
Vermicompost: Types, Methods & Precautions to be Taken While Making Compost
Vermicompost is organic waste that has been turned into manure by worms. Vermicomposting can be done for personal usage, supplemental revenue, or business purposes.…
How to Start a Profitable Vermicompost Business; Check Step-by-Step Process
If you are looking for a business that can give you good profit in a short span of time then this article is for you!…
A 10-Day Training Program on Dairy & Vermicompost Begins At ITI Rajouri
The government is launching several efforts to promote employment at the local level and a 10-day training program on Dairy& Vermicompost is one of those efforts.…
This Farmer Earns One And A Half Lakh Rupees Every Month From Vermicomposting Business
A farmer from village Nangal Mundi in Rewari, Haryana has been preparing earthworm manure (vermicompost) for organic farming and sending it to many states of the country for the last two years. Kuljeet Yadav earns one to one and a half lakh rupees every month…
Fascinated by Earthworms, Sana Khan Starts Her Own Vermicomposting Firm; Currently Earns 1 Cr per Year
Here we have a story of 27 years’ young girl Sana Khan who started her own vermicomposting company. Fascinated by earthworms, Sana started this business. Let us proceed to know the complete story of the U.P. girl and how she became a role model for…
Compost Management and Its Advantages
Compost is a process of organic waste decomposition that improves the soil condition and helps the plant grow better.…
Basics of Composting Process through Bokashi Method
“Bokashi” is actually a Japanese word meaning "fermented organic matter”, and was developed in the early 1980s by Dr. Teuro Higa, a professor at the University of Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan. There are various methods of composting and the Bokashi composting is different when compared with…
Swachagraha Compost Connect, Bengaluru Spearheading Composting Initiatives and Connect with Farming Communities
Swacha Graha Compost Connect (SGCC) conceived by Solid Waste Management Round Table (SWMRT), Bengaluru, to help compost-producing apartments/gated communities connect with farmers in and around Bangalore. This is with the sole intention of sending the precious organic waste coming out of our kitchens and gardens…
Waste Management: Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Establish Vermi-Composting Unit for Solid Waste Management
A vermicomposting unit has been established by Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd (MRPL) to efficiently handle solid waste on its campus.…
Know Why Vermicomposting is Better than Traditional Composting
Vermiculture Technology is the technology in which non-toxic organic residues of plant and animal wastes are used as substrates to produce vermicasting. And organic wastes are converted into usable form of nutrients by Bio-oxidation and stabilization with the synergism of earth worms and microorganisms.…
Top Companies Providing Vermicompost and Vermibeds
With the increasing population in the world, crop productivity has become a major need. But, majority of agricultural practices are damaging environment adversely. Such undesired effects can be reduced.…
Award winning Pudukottai Women Farmer who sells Vermicompost and Seeds and Earns an Additional 2 Lakh Plus in a Season.
Farmer the Brand is a Krishijagran Initiative. #ftb happens in all almost all regional languages on Sunday 11 AM including Agriculture World in English. Manomani hails from Vadakkadu village of Alangudi Taluk, Pudukkottai district, Tamilnadu. Manonmani is a natural farmer, and was part of the…
How to Make Vermicompost at Home; Check Step-by-Step Process
Composting is a great option to reduce environmental impact and prepare a natural and beneficial soil additive. But, many of you may not have sufficient outdoor space at home for a traditional compost heap.…
Why You Need to Choose Vermicompost over Chemical Fertilizer?
It’s high time to understand the importance of organic farming to beat all the future hazardous, land degradation and mostly to save humans and Mother Nature from massive destruction.…
Know the Importance & Benefits of Vermicompost and Complete Process of Making It
Many of you may have already heard about the term ‘Vermicompost’ or ‘vermiwash’ but may not be aware of its incredible benefits in farming and agriculture. While India has a rich history in organic farming but manipulation of different chemical fertilizers product in our farming…
How to make ‘Vermicompost’
Vermicompost acts as a fertilizer for organically deprived soil which can be replenished using the nutrients present in the compost thus making it more useful for plants. A vermicompost is comparatively more rich in mineral components like potassium, Sulphur, Phosphorus and others which is an…
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