The Millionaire Farmer of India Awards 2023 continued its insightful sessions with Session III in a significant stride towards recognizing and bolstering the agricultural sector focusing on "Agriculture Boards for Ensuring Financial Stability of Farmers."
The session began with the speech of Vijendra Singh Dalal, a successful marigold and organic farmer, saying, “Nation’s farmers are now more aware of FPOs as they are now set up in every district and should more focus on organic farming. Also, the Haryana government is assisting farmers with jeevamrut.”
Kailash Singh, FTJ farmer while greeting everyone at the session said that FPOs are the future of agriculture in the coming days and will assist farmers in producing and selling their yield.
Dr Sawar Dhanania, Chairman, Rubber Board of India shared insights into the challenges and opportunities within the rubber industry. He elaborated on the initiatives taken by the Rubber Board of India to assist rubber growers and the importance of rubber in our daily lives, ensuring a sustainable and prosperous future for the rubber farming community.
Further, he said that rubber is cultivated in areas that do not have a very cold climate for rubber cultivation. He further said that most of the clothes we wear are also adulterated with rubber. He said that almost everything in our country, whether it is related to agriculture or anything else, has some support for rubber in all of them.
Also, Naresh Kaushik, Chairman of Khandeha Organic Producer Limited Company said, "FPO has an important role to play which is to take agricultural land and farmers together so that the income of farmers can be augmented and also they can be given the platform for recognition. At platform like MFOI and FPOs farmers can do their marketing themselves without compromising on quality."
Thus, the session witnessed engaging discussions on the collaborative efforts between other farmers and agriculture boards, aiming to create a robust support system for the agricultural community. The Millionaire Farmer of India Awards 2023 continues to serve as a platform for dialogue, recognition, and innovation in the pursuit of a prosperous future for Indian farmers.
The session concluded with an award ceremony when all farmers were called on the stage and were immensely honoured.